每天看一看读一读, 对提高英语成绩起到重大作用。 01 数字 基数 02 服饰 03 食物 04 生活 家居 05 交通工具 06 学校 07 运动 08 娱乐 09 音乐 10 家庭 11 称呼 12 职业 13 人体 14 疾病 15 地点 16 国家
really wants to visit New York City. So do I. He asks me where Prague is, and marvels at the fact that I speak five languages. He says he’s going to leave in a few minutes to go cook himself some lunch, and I say I should probably get back to work. We say goodbye, and I ...
Awhile back I reviewed her latest book and said it was so poorly written that 10 monkeys randomly typing on 10 typewriters would produce a better book in about 10 minutes. I also said she had feet the size of an Emu. While accurate, it was indeed harsh. But I’m neither a literary ...
每天看一看读一读, 对提高英语成绩起到重大作用。 01 数字 基数 02 服饰 03 食物 04 生活 家居 05 交通工具 06 学校 07 运动 08 娱乐 09 音乐 10 家庭 11 称呼 12 职业 13 人体 14 疾病 15 地点 16 国家