【百老汇版】六位皇后Six the Musical on broadway||音乐合集【1080p】共计11条视频,包括:01.Ex-wives- history、02.No way-Catherine of Aragon、03.Don't lose ur head- Anne Boleyn等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
还有很厉害的一点是,每个皇后的唱段都对应了一个流行女歌手,Beyonce, Lily Allen, Ariana Grande, Niki Minaj, Rihana,虽然没有特意宣传,但是从造型到歌曲风格上都能很巧妙地对应上,整部剧就像一场拼盘音乐会,非常过瘾。 作为一部History remix不可避免地要拿来和Hamilton对比,我觉得SIX是改编大于史料,肯定票价要便...
《Six》 the Musical repo:亨利八世的6任妻子非常出名,因为她们的人生经历和命运都很让人唏嘘:Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived乐队4个女性+6个主唱,10个女性在小小的伦敦西区Vaudeville舞台上,讲述History到Herstory的女性崛起。那些过往的悲剧用“比惨”争夺赛唱出,最后自省后,Girl Power胜...
这部音乐剧SIX(六个皇后)主题就是六个皇后来到现代,组成女团演出,并且用讲述自己的故事,用比惨来争取C位(bushi)她们还有自己专属的应援色。。。 剧组从演员到乐队到编剧导演,全女性班底。用现代的视角,呈现出她们的故事,我们不要History。。。要讲述自己的Herstory。。。夺回荣耀。。。 今年早些时候的伊丽莎白二世女...
SIX THE MUSICAL SIX the Musical is an unforgettable lesson of girl power, transforming2 DAYS history into her story! Henry Il's famous wives tell their tales in the style of a MAY -DEC 2021fantastic pop concert, coming together to share their stories.£139YOUR BREAK INCLUDES PER PERSON. Re...
#sixthemusical# six的设计真的有太多小心思花在里面了,杂乱地记录一下。比起音乐剧来,更像一场有故事的演唱会。故事背景是亨利八世的六位妻子。这里用的是ex-wives) 六位的结局无非都是divorced, beheaded,...
In this high-octane 80-minute musical experience, the feisty Tudor queens boldly rewrite five hundred years of history. With aglobal audience of 3.5 million people per yearand a staggering600 million soundtrack streams,SIX the Musicalhas become a cultural sensation, amassing an incredible3 billion...
History has reduced the legacies of these ladies to little more than singular words in a rhyme detailing their fearsome fates, but what if we carved out space to remember them as real, three-dimensional women? Six the Musical takes on this noble task by embracing a far-fetched premise: ...
Six: The Musical $19.99 About Us About Us Delivery/Tracking Privacy Policy ShowMerch Sheet Music Customer Service Contact Twisted Plays Authors Puppet Rental Free Stuff Poster Template Make a Payment Upload Purchase Order My Account My Account Order History Newsletter Gift Certificates...
Six the MusicalCongress Theatre Eastbourne 31/5/2022 Worth Losing Your Head Over This 80-minute high octane musical will surely go down in history, or perhaps I should say herstory. SIX follows the story of Henry VIII’s incredible wives who, for the Read More … Congress Theatre Eastbourne...