One site with the most common Six Sigma material, videos, examples, calculators, courses, and certification.
Six Sigma Belt Colors White belt: 对DMAIC 和 6 Sigma 的主要目标有基本的了解。 不需要掌握工具,也不参与项目。 当一家公司实施精益六西格码时,他们至少对周围发生的事情有所了解。 Yellow belt: 掌握基本工具,纯粹以协助观察和测量等简单任务的形式参与项目。 Green Belts: 掌握中级工具,可以做基础数据分析来...
Mandarin White Belt – Six Sigma 白带六西格玛 Six Sigma Videos On Jun 21, 2010 This video describes Six Sigma. Youll learn about the DMAIC Process as well as the different belt levels and other roles within most Operational Excellence Programs. This module is part of the White Belt Program...
Lean Six Sigma White Belt training and certification If your organization is deploying a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) initiative, and you can participate in White Belt (WB) training and certification, then it is recommended you do it. White Belt is the entry level introduction to LSS. Role of the...
Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training Course LevelUnderstandingDuration1 day Available to book:In-houseRequest a quote Can’t find the right courses or dates? Get our full schedule and training guide, or talk to our training advisor for assistance. ...
这个例子中,我们对一个大学里选择要实施的Six Sigma项目。我们会有许多不同的项目可以选择,比如: 对餐厅的不满 考试成绩出的晚 延毕造成的花费 报修系统 停车问题 在6 Sigma项目中,有很多工具可以用于选择项目,这里使用的是Ranking Matrix。 “ Theranking matrixtool is applied when rank ordering several options...
Six Sigma White Belt ASix Sigma White Beltis an entry-level certification in the Six Sigma methodology. White Belts are typically individuals who have received basic training and awareness about Six Sigma principles but do not actively lead or participate in Six Sigma projects. They support Green ...
Adaptive's 1-day Lean Six Sigma White Belt training class provides students with a basic, practical understanding of the DMAIC problem solving thought process, in order to solve real-world business problems. All classes are taught by former GE Master Bla
Lean Six Sigma White Belt オンデマンド研修 (リーンシックスシグマ ホワイトベルト) レベル 入門・基本 所要時間 3.5 時間 申込受付中: オンデマンド研修 ¥33000 税込/人 申込み 見積もり受付中: 企業内研修限定 見積もりを依頼する リー...