A PICK chart (also known as PICK Diagram) is a Lean Six Sigma tool, developed by Lockheed Martin for a lean product, for organizing process improvement ideas and categorizing them during the Identify and Prioritize Opportunities Phase for easy review and
P图P-Diagram 方差分析ANOVA I: Improve 改进 分析的结果会告诉你改善什么。 识别出了关键因子Xs, 下一步就要识别以及评估潜在的解决方案,并对过程进行改善。关键因子必须要稳定,以确保输出Y的稳定。最后要计算改善后的过程能力,以及预估此改进项目的成绩:节省多少钱?这通常是很多老板会重视六西格玛的原因。 常用工具...
DMAIC背后的逻辑可以这样去理解: 对于解决复杂问题,定义(D)让你知道测量什么;测量(M)让你知道分析什么;分析(A)让你知道改进什么;改进(I)让你知道控制什么;控制(C)让你知道问题是否最终解决。 或者, 定义过程,测量过程输出Y; 分析关键输入X; 改进输入X得到好的Y; 控制过程让Y持续稳定。 Y=Function(X) 3、...
Design for Six SigmaP-diagramProduct development processTaguchi methodSuccessful business enterprises are to a great extent determined by strong sales and overall low operational cost; as a result, improving quality and reducing cost have been one of the important tasks for any business enterprise. ...
Six Sigma Path PowerPoint Diagram - Create an informative presentation that will help your audience understand the career path in Six Sigma.
因果图(cause and effect diagram):又称为石川馨图或鱼骨图,他揭示过程输出缺陷或问题与潜在原因之间关系的图表。在因果图中问题(结果)填在右侧的方框中,也就是所说的“鱼头”位置。造成结果的可能原因填在各个主分类线周围,他们构成了 “鱼刺”。因果图主要作用分析和表达存在的问题与原因之间的因果关系,这是揭示...
±3 Sigma (图引用自:优思学院)但是六西格玛的概念更进一步,意味着客户的产品质量规范界限在平均值...
Diagram of Six Sigma ID: 793118407 收藏 加入清单 下载版权arka38 TIFF大小 26.3MB 格式JPG 编辑图片 以图搜图 大图:2497× 3688 像素·21.14 cm × 31.23 cm·300dpi·JPG 中图:677× 1000 像素·23.88 cm × 35.28 cm·72dpi·JPG 小图:339× 500 像素·11.96 cm × 17.64 cm·72dpi·JPG 了解...
Een House of Quality-diagram maken Het stencilSix Sigma House van kwaliteit Shapesbevat twee typen met vooraf gedefinieerde "huizen". De eerste is de shapevoltooid, waaronder rijen, kolommen, labels en de correlatiematrix (de "dak"). ...
Create a House of Quality diagram TheSix Sigma House of Quality Shapesstencil includes two types of pre-built “houses”. The first is theCompleteshape, which includes rows, columns, labels, and the correlation matrix (the “roof”).