This chapter describes the statistical theory of lean Six Sigma strategies. It begins with a discussion of the concept of the normal distribution curve, which plays a key role in statistical applications and methodology. The area under the distribution curve is the probability of variations from ...
Now instead of±3σ, you look at theNormal Distributioncurve, with±6σyou will see that the rejection area is 0.000000197% (or 0.00197DPMO), and not 3.4DPMO. Now the question is, why do we get 0.00197DPMOfor a Six Sigma process instead of 3.4 DPMO?
Normal curve ? Normal deviate ? Normal distribution q检验 q检验 无统计意义 名义变量变异的非定常性 非线性相关 非参数统计 非参数检验 非参数检验 正态分布曲线 正态离差正态分布 Rev. E Printed 12/24/2019 50 ? 2003 by Sigma Breakthrough Technologies, Inc.? 短语和缩写 ? Normal equation ?
38、variance 位置不变性Location scale family 位置尺度族.43短语和缩写Log rank test 时序检验Logarithmic curve 对数曲线Logarithmic normal distribution 对数正态分布Logarithmic scale 对数尺度Logarithmic transformation 对数变换Logic check 逻辑检查Logistic distribution 逻辑斯特分布Logit transformation Logit 转换LOGLINEAR...
Rev.EPrinted7/9/2013©2003bySigmaBreakthroughTechnologies,Inc. 6 短语和缩写 ••••••••••••BernoullidistributionBest-trimestimatorBetween-groupvariationBiasBinarylogisticregressionBinomialdistributionBinomialtestsBisquareBivariateCorrelateBivariatenormaldistributionBivariatenormal...
Six Sigma takes product and service to a higher level. Figure 1 shows a typical normal distribution curve at Six Sigma. Though commonly being used in industry, we are proposing to use the process control analogy of Six Sigma and apply within an academic setting. In other words, apply a ...
E Printed 4/22/2021 © 2003 by Sigma Breakthrough Technologies, Inc. 42 短语和缩写 • Log rank test 时序检验• Logarithmic curve 对数曲线• Logarithmic normal distribution 对数正态分布• Logarithmic scale 对数尺度• Logarithmic transformation 对数变换• Logic check 逻辑检查• ...
Six Sigma is a strategic weapon that works across all processes, products, company functions and industries. This article proposes Six Sigma Tightened – Normal – Tightened Variables Sampling Schemes(SSTNTVSS) where the quality characteristic follows a normal distribution and has an upper or a ...
通常对于正态分布我们可以记为N(μ,σ) μσ 标准差 平均值 LGInnotek(Huizhou)Inc 1-3统计学的基本概念 σ ↔ o正态分布(NormalDistributioncurve)的含义 oσ的含义 o统计量(Statistic)的含义 -平均值 -散布 o母本(Population)和样本(sample) Sample n=10 平均值μ 标准偏差σ 平均值 χ 标准偏差σ(σ...