DMAIC: Define-> Measure -> Analyse -> Improve -> Control Lean 和 Six Sigma共同点是Continuous Improvement (持续改进 -Kaizen)。Lean关注减少损耗,six Sigma 关注减少缺陷,TQM关注于达成预先确定的流程改进目标 TQM- Total Quality Management Business Process Re-engineerin (BPR): through technical changes -...
±3 Sigma (图引用自:优思学院)但是六西格玛的概念更进一步,意味着客户的产品质量规范界限在平均值上...
Lean and Six Sigma have gained a following where other management cures have failed, largely owing to word of mouth and the demonstration effect of industry success stories. “It starts with a CEO waking up in a cold sweat,” says Parker. “Maybe they know someone at GE and they’ve seen...
kaizen, lean six sigma, kaizen, kaizen blitz, kaizen event, lean, value stream mappingKaizen in the Office Environment
Design for Lean/Kaizen Six Sigma. Essentials of Lean Six Sigma. USA: Elsevier Inc. 2006.Taghizadegan S (2006) Chapter 6--Design for Lean/Kaizen Six Sigma. In: Essentials of Lean Six Sigma. Butterworth-Heinemann, Burlington, pp 59-101. doi:10.1016/B978-012370502-0/ 50008-4...
CSense Consultants - Prosperity through Process Improvement using Lean Six Sigma Kaizen Consulting - Profit Improvement with 5X Return on Investment.
Lean Six Sigma, Kaizen Cleans Up Navy ProcessQuality Digest
Six Sigma, on the other hand, was established in 1986 by an engineer at U.S. telecommunications company Motorola who was inspired by Japan’sKaizenmodel. It was trademarked by the company in 1993. Its method seeks to identify and reduce defects in the production process. It also strives to...