Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
Get Your FREE 30-Day Trial Or browse QI Macros products:Buy Now Create SPC charts & improvement projects in seconds!QI Macros Intuitive Excel Add-in Makes Lean Six Sigma and SPC Fast & EasyYou don't have to be an expert; you just look like one! Effortlessly create improvement ...
Get Your FREE 30-Day Trial Or browse QI Macros products: Buy Now Create SPC charts & improvement projects in seconds! QI Macros Intuitive Excel Add-in MakesLean Six Sigma and SPCFast & Easy You don't have to be an expert; you just look like one!
QI Macros is long on Six Sigma capabilities, with some Lean tools and techniques built in as well... Chances are many Green Belts and some Black Belts will be able to do everything they need with QI Macros and Excel... The familiar Excel interface reduces the learning curve and makes it...
Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
Ready to get more out of your project management efforts? Visit our comprehensive project management guide for tips, best practices, and free resources to manage your work more effectively. View the guide Project Charter Template This Six Sigma Excel template is designed to help you create a proj...
2C: In which part of DMAIC would such a tool be useful? 与许多 6 Sigma 工具一样,pareto chart可用于许多 DMAIC 阶段,但它最适合您尝试找出问题根本原因的分析阶段。 Exercise Fishbone diagram 做了帕累托图后,管理层找出了主要原因。 次要原因之一是工作人员不友好。 这不是一个大问题,因此,他们将其...
Six Sigma-六西格玛绿带培训-Excel版 六西格玛绿带培训课纲 日期及时间第一阶段(一天)上午9:00~12:00 下午14:00~17:00 课程大纲 第一章定义阶段 课程章节一.六西格玛的基础 课程内容 1.变化2.总体与样本的统计量3.中心趋势的度量4.离散度的度量5.正态分布 二.质量管理与企业发展三.六西格玛的起源...