Lean 和 Six Sigma共同点是Continuous Improvement (持续改进 -Kaizen)。Lean关注减少损耗,six Sigma 关注减少缺陷,TQM关注于达成预先确定的流程改进目标 TQM- Total Quality Management Business Process Re-engineerin (BPR): through technical changes - systems (ASW2->3), software, data storage, cloud, etc....
±3 Sigma (图引用自:优思学院)但是六西格玛的概念更进一步,意味着客户的产品质量规范界限在平均值上...
SixSigmaPhases D PhaseI:ProcessDefinition M PhaseII:ProcessMeasurement A PhaseIII:ProcessAnalysis I PhaseIV:ProcessImprovement C PhaseV:ProcessControl ContinuousImprovement Thefollowingvisualillustrateshowthesystemcanwork SUPPLIER ProcessStep1 Processstep2 Processstep3 CUSTOMER RECORDDEFECTS RECORDDEFECTS RECORD...
This chapter focuses on continuous improvement in the context of Six Sigma and discusses that the advancement to near perfection or (maximum profitability) is impossible virtually without the integration of proper control strategies, process, material, and design. To attain higher standard deviations in...
Continuous Improvement 持续改进:逐步的、永无止境的不断改进循环。Control Chart 控制图:以统计推断理论为基础,设置统计控制限,按时间坐标显示独立测量值、平均值或其他统计值的折线图。COPQ (Cost Of Poor Quality) 不良质量成本损失:由于缺陷或不良质量造成的成本损失。CTQ (Critical to Quality) 关键质量...
Six Sigma projects have a beginning, middle, and end. Even though the Control phase is designed to include the business owner taking responsibly for sustaining the project, little is in place to monitor the sustainability of the improvements. Lean advocates a continuous improvement process designed ...
The creed for Six Sigma can be broken down into three assertions: The continuous effort to achieve stability and a predictable result from a process is what makes a business successful. There are characteristics to manufacturing and business processes that are definable and measurable. These character...
SixSigmaPhases D PhaseI:ProcessDefinition M PhaseII:ProcessMeasurement A PhaseIII:ProcessAnalysis I PhaseIV:ProcessImprovement C PhaseV:ProcessControl ContinuousImprovement Thefollowingvisualillustrateshowthesystemcanwork SUPPLIER ProcessStep1 Processstep2 Processstep3 CUSTOMER RECORDDEFECTS RECORDDEFECTS RECORD...
Murphy-branded products have been built on a foundation of quality. In order to ensure that our products hold true to our quality promise, we have incorporated many practices into our manufacturing processes. Continuous improvement techniques grounded in Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma principles are...
4.Whoisin6Council?6委员会成员?-10mins 5.6people’sRolesandResponsibilities6成员的作用与责任-20mins 6.Understanding6methodology/concept理解6的方法论/概念-60mins 7.Catapultexercise弹射练习 -30mins Questions&Answers….问题与回答 4 FlextronicsCorporatePresentation2022/3/23 WHATISSIGMA?何为西格玛?5 ...