Six Sigma Calculator应用简介 The Six Sigma Calculator is a simple calculator application, used to perform Defects Per Million and Process Sigma calculations.Version 2.5 introduces a new navigation system and more new calculators - Availability is the percent of scheduled production (also reliability) or...
One site with the most common Six Sigma material, videos, examples, calculators, courses, and certification.
Six sigma calculatorKirk T Winn
Use this Six Sigma Calculator to calculate the DPMO, DPO, DPU, Sigma Level and the process Yield, based on the number of units, number of defect opportunities per unit, and the number of defects
六西格玛 (6σ) 是一个成熟的框架,采用数据驱动的方法来减少缺陷、确保质量控制、加强管理、消除浪费、改善服务交付和管理其他运营活动。 # 单位数量 # 单位缺陷机会数: # 缺陷数量: #西格玛偏移: 六西格玛计算器定义 每单位缺陷 (DPU):样本中的缺陷总数除以采样的单位数。例如,如果我们对 800 个单元进行采样并...
A slide rule permits rapid calculations of parameters used in the Six Sigma quality analysis program. For a given number of defects per product and a known number of parts per product (opportunities), the device permits rapid calculation of the number of defects per million opportunities as well...
real cost of "free" templates? Download ROI calculator TQM What is TQM? Total Quality Management (TQM) is any quality management system that addresses all areas of an organization, emphasizes customer satisfaction, and uses continuous improvement methods and tools. ...
Why Six Sigma Teams Fail Go No Go Decisions - Hypothesis Testing for Business Decisions ^ hide answerSix Sigma ToolsAll of these tools are included in QI Macros Add-in for Excel Box and Whisker Plot Control Charts DPMO Six Sigma Calculator Flow Chart Frequency Histogram Gantt Chart Histogram wi...
Six Sigma, commonly written as 6σ, is a set of techniques for process improvement originally developed for industrial manufacturing by engineer Bill Smith at Motorola in the 1980-s. A central part of the six sigma tools are procedures for statistical process control: ensuring production meets ...
Special offers from Six-Sigma-Material or affiliates as available. Free downloads throughout the site (that are not available to the public). "Refer a Friend" and Group membership discounts (scroll down to learn more). Cancel anytime. Subscribers will be issued a Username (Login) and Passwor...