We followed the six phases of thematic analysis described in Braun and Clarke [26, 27] as described below, but coded at a more semantic rather than a reflexive or latent level. First, JG and FP independently familiarized themselves with the data (phase 1), and then jointly created a ...
六西格玛是一项质量管理法,是企业改进生产流程、提高产品/服务质量的一项有效工具, 它能够降低企业流程差异、提升企业绩效,从而帮助企业提高产品质量、增加盈利、提升员工士气。六西格玛法是由摩托罗拉公司的Mikel Harry开发的,并率先于摩托罗拉公司推广运用。六西格玛法聚焦于企业的流程控制,严格将标准偏差值控制在六西格玛之...
Six-phase motors can be produced in two ways: by keeping the same winding and commutating that to obtain six phases [14]. Then, the angle between phases becomes 30 degrees; these are called asymmetrical induction machines. The other method relies on removing the old windings and replacing the...
The motor speed is measured by an Autonics incremental shaft encoder (Autonics, Busan, South Korea) mechanically coupled to the 6PIM with resolution of 2500 P/R2500 P/R. LEM LTS6np current transducers are implemented to measure all the phases’ currents in order to be used in the ...
Define, measure, analyze, improve, and control are the five principles and phases of Lean Six Sigma. They’re the steps practitioners take to create more efficient processes and a workplace culture that’s focused on continuous improvement. ...
For instance, in the Measure and Control phases of the DMAIC process, control charts, and statistical process control are used to monitor the process and make sure that improvements are maintained over time. The DMAIC method’ Analyze phase employs hypothesis testing to ascertain whether the ...
The five phases of the Six Sigma method, known as DMAIC, are defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling. Key Takeaways Six Sigma is a quality-control methodology that businesses use to significantly reduce defects and improve processes. ...
Follow a proven CDOV roadmap through each step of your project, or build your own roadmap to reflect your company’s DfSS methodology. Tools are logically linked to the phases in your development process, so you work faster and projects are easy to organize, share, and replicate.Quality...
IDOV is a four-phase process that consists of Identify, Design, Optimize, and Verify. These four phases parallel the four phases of the traditional Six Sigma improvement methodology, MAIC – Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. The similarities can be seen below. Meeting the Grade Designing...
In this research, we examine the digital ecosystem in the Finnish context of a business-led research and development (R&D) consortia (Need for Speed [N4S]), focusing on the early phases of research. The aim is to propose an iterative action research and case study framework for developing ...