Hethrewasidetheletterofcongratulationhehadbeguntowriteasindutybound,butwithoutenthusi- asm。Hetookafreshpieceofpaper,andtracedonitthewords:\"Thisismylastwillandtestament。\"Look- ingatthesewordshegavehimselfuptounpleasantre- flection;apresentimentthathewouldneverseethescenesofhischildhoodweigheddowntheequablesp...
Another document connected with this story is a letter of a biting and ironic kind from a friend then in Burma, passing certain strictures upon “the gentleman with the gun on his back” which I do not intend to make accessible to the public. Yet the gun episode did really happen, or ...
After their talk, Daisy packs her things, writes a goodbye letter for her bandmates, and leaves town. It’s assumed that she does so out of respect for Camila, whereas in the show, Daisy leaves because she finally respects herself. Camila Tells Billy to Reconnect With Daisy In the ...