before popping over to Thailand, back to Australia, and then to New York again, before finally ending up in Australia. We’ve met tigers and thugs (not to mention a macaw), older women and younger men, and we’ve come across some interesting girl friends. We’ve met people to...
“Leave well enough alone” has been the attitude towards murders and injustice, not just in Spain but in Australia too, and that’s what Luke Stegeman addresses inAmnesia Road.He travels the backroads of Queensland as a boxing referee, while he refers to Spain as his ‘second patria‘. D...
forsixhours we shot through the barren (荒芜的) landscape of the karoo desert in south africA. just rocks and sand and baking sun. knowing our journey was ending, daniel and 1 just wanted to remember all we had seen and donE. he used a camerA. i used words. i had already finished ...
kṛtyais again a technical term to indicate a specific class ofkṛtaffixes usedin the sense of ‘should be done’ (cf. the Latin gerundive) (ibidem).30I.e. words derived by adding ataddhita(secondary) affix to a noun and not directly to averbal root like in the case ofkṛt(...
But, before I drop my bombshell, and before I do what no-one else has dared to do before,... I need to tell you about who I am and why I am writing the sales letter Ineverthought I would write. You see, I have been making money online for over a year now. And in that peri...
Ron, perhaps we should have listed that one as well: starting quoted sentences with a capital letter. Thanks for the heads up; it was an oversight. Mat Roberts says 2. The Comma Splice – more commonly known as “where to put a semi-colon”. Daniel Scocco says Steve, in reality th...
It is both interesting and revealing that the moaners never mention Te Whakaputanga, the group of Ngapuhi chiefs who in 1831 addressed a letter to Britain’s then King William seeking an alliance to overcome problems created by increasing European activity and the scant regard of some of these...
Trying to text with InReach was problematic and very frustrating because every time I looked down to type a letter, the boat would start to broach in the black night. Fearing that I would be knocked down a third time, or worse, rolled, more and more adrenaline pumped through my cold and...
WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies: Global Open Letter To curb overfishing, biodiversity degradation and loss, and CO2 emissions, and to safeguard food an Biodiversity 11 Nov Global South observers ‘blocked from COP26 negotiations’ Fiona Broom A participation revolution is needed to stop...
and Ajaya Dixit Recurring floods in major cities point to need for moving away from land-centric urb Cities 12 Nov WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies: Global Open Letter To curb overfishing, biodiversity degradation and loss, and CO2 emissions, and to safeguard food an Biodiversity ...