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and Ajaya Dixit Recurring floods in major cities point to need for moving away from land-centric urb Cities 12 Nov WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies: Global Open Letter To curb overfishing, biodiversity degradation and loss, and CO2 emissions, and to safeguard food an Biodiversity ...
WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies: Global Open Letter To curb overfishing, biodiversity degradation and loss, and CO2 emissions, and to safeguard food an Biodiversity 11 Nov Global South observers ‘blocked from COP26 negotiations’ Fiona Broom A participation revolution is needed to stop...
But I think everythingreallystarted to click when I found about the rookeries in London. Those poorer areas seized hold of my imagination and wouldn’t let go. I read romances that had a darker voice—Meredith Duran, Cecilia Grant, Maire Claremont—and I realized hey! I could do that! I...
along with a reason why they WEREN’T used in 4E — that they are actuallynew in the world. As for “Eye”, the MAIN reason for this is to fit the pattern of the coin name matching the letter of the metal: copper crowns, silver sovereigns, gold galifars, electrum eyes. Of course,...