Jakobson identifies six functions of language, namely, emotive, conative, referential, poetic, phatic communionmentalingustic杰克森将语言功能划分为六大类,分别是情感,意动,指向,娱乐,寒暄,以及元语言。3. Macrofunction(宏观功能)The macrofuntions of language are the ideational function, the interpersonal ...
解析 in Linguistics and Poetics (1960),Jakobson defined them as:referential,poetic,emotive,conative,phatic and metalingual function.In Liguistics A Course Book produced by 胡壮麟,they are difened as :infor...结果一 题目 what are the six functions of language? 答案 in Linguistics and Poetics (19...
Javed, SairaJanjua, FouziaHayatian Journal of Linguistics & Literature
Jakobson established a well-known framework of language functions based on the six key elements of communication, among them, conative function means___. A.to express attitudes, feelings and emotions B.to indulge in language for its own sake C....
Jakobson established a well-known framework of language functions based on the six key elements of communication, among them, conative function means___.A.to persuade and influence others through commands and requestsB.to convey message and informatio