In this podcast series, Post Show Recaps revisits “Six Feet Under,” the critically acclaimed HBO TV series about the Fisher family, the funeral home they preside over, and the myriad themes of life and death the show contains. The series is now streaming on Netflix, so...
The streamer is also set to add Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Six Feet Under and Ballers as part of a co-exclusive deal with Wbd’s Max, which closed late last week. Additionally, HBO series True Blood will be added to Netflix outside the U.S.HBO has rarely licensed its original ...
Insecure is now on Netflix as the streamer is set to add Six Feet Under, Ballers and other HBO series.
Today, we want to take a departure from the world of "how this affects us" and focus instead on actionable things we can all do to make things brighter for ourselves and our communities. This won't be your regularly scheduled programming — we won't be d
Ever since directorNavdeep Singh(ofManorama Six Feet Underfame) has announced his next filmBasrawithAkshaye KhannaandMadhavan, there have been speculations around the third principal character in the movie. While there have been different names floating around for the name of the chief baddie in ...
Since the Six Feet Under revival is still in the nascent stages, it's unknown whether it is being developed as a total reboot or a sequel series that picks up with the already existing characters during the present day. If they do decide to go the route of continuation, it will be inte...
“Six Feet Under” holds a special place in Carrie Brownstein‘s heart as the first show she ever binged. Of course, this was years before streaming, and she didn’t even have HBO at the time, so the “Portlandia” co-creator and star did it the old-fashioned way: She rented t...
The sixth season continues with Rick and Morty just as we left them at the end of season 5, in a bad way and out of luck. Will they be able to get back on their feet for more exciting adventures? Or they risk being submerged in a sea of feces. Who is to say?!
I may get the press, but I wasn’t the only one. A tomb inscription in Cappadocia describes the less glorious work of more anonymous women: “Here lies the deacon Maria…who according to the words of the apostle raised children, sheltered guests, washed the feet of the saints, and share...
“Six Feet Under” holds a special place in Carrie Brownstein‘s heart as the first show she ever binged. Of course, this was years before streaming, and she didn’t even have HBO at the time, so the “Portlandia” co-creator and star did it the old-fashioned way: She rented the se...