The terms advisor, mentor, or research supervisor are frequently used interchangeably, even though the responsibilities associated with these roles may overlap or have distinct aspects. Advisors’ role is pivotal in molding students’ selection of research topics and their thesis writing (Bu et al.,...
After so many months of social distancing, stress, fear and solitude, supporting behavioral health has become a top priority in healthcare design. Behavioral healthdescribesthe connection between behaviors and the health and wellbeing of the body, mind and spirit. Sessions focused on design strategie...
This latter ques- tion – whether young children reason appropriately about the ability of agents to do otherwise – is the focal contrast in our experiments. Since younger children have some understanding of possibility and of constraints on action they may have an initial understanding of the ...
For varying metabolic regimes, physiological circumstances, and pathological scenarios, cristae dimensions, shape, and CJs display distinct patterns. Recent studies focusing on the cristae-shaping proteins have uncovered significant details; these proteins include rows of ATP synthase dimers defining the ...
Messages were sometimes sent randomly to people on social media apps, especially on Viber, mostly in Russian language, with the aim of eventually reaching interested customers. The practice of direct hand-to-hand purchases of NPS was also common in Georgia. In such cases, middle agents (“legs...
‘each country has a distinct social structure, dominant issues, institutions and interests, shaped by its unique history and cultural tradition’. He states that ‘even in the face of rapid globalisation of economy, different societies maintain distinctive economic systems that structure business-...
35 At stake here was a redef inition of the very dynamics of collective memory, and Gillette’s efforts to produce a ‘meta-technics’ seem directly informed by experiences with a technical system where synchronizing pulses – a new and distinct technical invention ‒ are essential to keep ...
As we mentioned during our last call, there were two distinct trends we were seeing, and they played out as we thought. First, results for advertising and AppleCare were impacted by the reduced level of economic activity and store closures to a degree that was in line with our expectations....
Finally, LSS along with simulation are complementary tools with distinct goals and different approaches, but their integration has the possibility to expand the results that were previously obtained without integration. 7. Future Research In terms of future lines of research consequential to this study...
The purpose of this study is to develop a nested theoretical model (LSS-DC) by critically examining two distinct theoretical concepts, including Lean Six Sigma (LSS) and Dynamic Capabilities (DC), for achieving organizational sustainable performance optimizations (PO). The robust integration of this...