“six degree”在英语中有一个特定的含义,即“six degrees of separation”,中文翻译为“六度分隔理论”。下面我将从多个方面为你详细解析这个短语。 音标 英音: /sɪks dɪˈɡriː/ 美音: /sɪks dɪˈɡriː/ 词义分析 六度分隔理论是一个关于人际网络连接的理论。该理论指出,任何两个人之...
you've reached the sixth degree of separation你已经到达了分开的第六阶段 First you think the worst is a broken-heart,开始你以为最糟不过是一颗破碎的心 What's gonna kill you is the second part.让你绝望的会是第二阶段 And the third is when your world splits down the middle.而第三阶段便是...
美国著名社会心理学家米尔格伦(Stanley Milgram)于20世纪60年代提出了著名的“六度分离”(Six Degrees of Separation)理论:“你和任何一个陌生人之间所间隔的人不会超过六个,也就是说,最多通过六个人你就能够认识任何一个陌生人。”根据这个理论,你和世界上的任何一个人之间只隔着四个人,不管对方在哪个国家,属哪...
You've reached the sixth degree of separation First you think the worst is a broken-heart What's gonna kill you is the second part And the third is when your world splits down the middle And fourth you're gonna think that you've fixed yourself ...
○这首歌以 「Six Degrees of Separation 六度分隔理论」描绘对于天降爱情的命定与奇迹。「周氏浪漫」加上「派氏情歌」以生命日常切入爱情观点,营造出浪漫氛围,将抒情R&B以简单的吉他和弦、双人声交织,营造出惬意却隽永的听感。 细味歌词 lrc 滑动查看
你所做的一切都出于绝望 You're going through six degrees of separation. . 你正经历分手的六个阶段 You had the drink, you take a toke. Watch the past go up in smoke.你拿着酒,吸一口烟 在烟雾缭绕中过去浮现 Fake a smile, yeah, lie and say 假装微笑,谎称 / You're b...
You've reached the sixth degree of separation Oh no there's no starting over Without finding closure You take them back no hesitation That's when you know You've reached the sixth degree of separation First you think the worst is a broken-heart What's gonna kill you is the second part ...
SDOS 英文全称six degrees of separation 中文解释六度分离 缩写分类哲学, JSFA食品与农业科学期刊 NCBE国家生物科技教育中心(欧盟的一个生物科技教育组织) NNFA(美国)国家营养食品协会 ECN荷兰能源研究中心 MarBEC海洋生化工程 PSL产品安全实验室(与药物有关的研究与测试服务)...
That's when you know you've reached the sixth degree of separation, 那时你会理解自己经历的这些过程 First you think the worst is a broken-heart, 起初你觉得或许没什么比心碎更加令人痛苦 What's gonna kill you is the second part. 可接下来却感到生不如死 ...