Despite numerous studies showing the economic precariousness of women with disabilities or reporting on the various forms of violence they are likely to face in their lives, the experiences of these women are rarely made visible in the field of homelessness, and even less so when...
F.R. DesfemmesR. JancoviciElsevier Masson SASJournal de ChirurgieMathieu L, Desfemmes FR, Jancovici R. Prise en charge chirurgicale du polytraumatise en situation precaire. J Chir. 2006;143(6):349-54. PubMed | Google ScholarL., MathieuF.R., DesfemmesR., Jancovici. (2006) Prise en...
doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-4916-3_12Petra SchnuellTerre des FemmesGritt RichterTerre des FemmesClaudia PiccolantonioTerre des Femmes