TENSphysiotherapistprecautionary principlepalliative careoncologyTrans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a treatment against pain that uses the application of an electric current. Some studies suggest that TENS would reduce the pain associated with certain types of cancer and this treatment ...
Les établissements d’hébergement de personnes âgées dépendantes (EHPAD) ont depuis la loi Leonetti1 vocation à assurer à leurs résidents une fin de vie digne en leur dispensant des soins palliatifs. Le vieillissement de la population a entraîné un changement de paradigme. Alors qu...
Les familles de personnes en situation de handicap mental et le besoin de soins palliatifsA parent's life is upended when a disability is announced. Associations of special needs families have been active for years to support parents facing the challenges of raising a child with an intellectual ...
Voie sous-cutanée en situation palliative : entre recommandations et pratiques. Enquête auprès des unités de soins palliatifs franaises en 2011Palliative careEnd of lifeSubcutaneous routeMoleculesLevel of scientific evidenceLocal side effectsSubcutaneous route is a standard practice in palliative ...
Soins palliatifsResponsabilité infirmièreSedation for terminally ill distressPalliative careNurse liabilitySedation in palliative emergency situation: what liability for the nurse? In palliative situations, acute complications leading to an immediate vital risk are an indication of practiced in emergency ...
Soins palliatifsUrgencesFiches de transmissions médicalesSoins de premiers recoursContinuité des soinsFollowing palliative care – mostly terminally ill – patients led us to examine the need for a standardized medical record transmissions. To address this issue, we conducted a descriptive analytical ...