There was a solution, though. A companion to the chair-of-death meme was another meme, one offering hope. If the new axiom was that sitting kills you, then at least there was a corollary: that standing saves you. That was how I first learned about the “standing desk.” A number of...
Mariah isn't the only one caught up in a stool conspiracy. A meme was born in October when someone spotted Ariana Grande impossibly kneeling on a stool on her album cover for My Everything. This Tweet is currently unavailable. It might be loading or has been removed. Something fishy is...
You’re not going to regret missing whatever fucking meme your friend posted today. And yet, we all sit on our ass all day long. We all have to go to work and sit in some type of chair at a desk or whatever it might be, bI don’t understand people that sit on their ass all ...
lol Meanwhile, I have over $4,000 face value in useable new UK stamps - presentation packs. 😛 Message 7 of 45 latest reply 2 Helpful Reply How much inventory are you sitting on? hartungcards Rockstar (817 ) View listings 06-15-2023 05:08 AM My chair is not for sale....
The outcomes of this research highlighted that the user's posture was the most stable when the user was tired, thus concluding that fatigue could be inferred from a sensorized chair. In the literature, the problem of inferring an emotional status from the sitting position was addressed in [31...