Charlotte Edwardson is a professor of health and behaviour studies who has investigated the link between sitting and health problems in her lab at Leicester University. 夏洛特·爱德华森(Charlotte Edwardson)是一位健康和行为研究领域的教授,她在莱斯特大学的实验室研究了久坐与健康问题之间的联系。 Here, sh...
Charlotte Edwardson is a professor of health and behavior studies who was investigated the link between sitting and health problems in her lab at Lester University. Here she talks to BBC radio for program Inside Health. If we think a...
Sit all day at the office? You might want to rethink that. Long hours in the chair are bad for your health. WebMD explains why it’s time to get up and stretch your legs.
Why sitting is bad for you 为何久坐有害于身体健康? Right now, you're probably sitting down to watch this video and staying seated for a few minutes to view it is probably okay. But the longer you stay put, the mo...
Most of us sit all day at school or at work. Then, we become couch potatoes in the evening. But researchers warn we’re sitting so much, it’s bad for our health. The problem,as this TED Ed animated video explains, is that people weren’t built by nature to sit so much. Some of...
There is more and more research showing that too much sitting is bad for your health.1. E Its bad effects even influence people who often exercise.2. C But how often should you get up from your chair, and for how long? Often,how much activity is needed to reduce the influence of a...
Sitting - bad for your health? Workstation alternatives to reduce sitting time at workHuysmans, Maaikevan der Ploeg, HiddeProper, KarinSpeklé, Erwinvan der Beek, AllardTijdschrift voor Human Factors
However, to build evidence-based approaches for addressing sedentary behavior and health, there is the need for research to develop new measurement methods, to understand the personal, social, and environmental factors that influence sedentary behaviors, and to develop and test the relevant ...
of driving. Get off public transport one stop before your destination and walk the remainder. Move, stretch, and get regular massage therapy. Your legs, your lungs, your back, your brain, and your entire body will appreciate it. Health is priceless and the rewards are well worth the effort...
Abundant evidence suggests that sitting down for long periods is bad for health, and that working standing up is thus better for you. But is it better for the job? A piece of research just published in Psychological Science by Yaniv Mam a of Ariel University and his colleagues,suggests it ...