Although not embraced by the parapsychological community, the Bermuda Triangle phenomena is an intriguing topic to the public. Jane Roberts’ Seth claims the mysterious disappearances of ships and planes is the result of a coordination… ...
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Assembling a decorated wall can seem like a big challenge for those who want a home that brings a modern and even fun message., mas fazer isso nos
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TARPKULTRINIO DIALOGO RAIKOS GALIMYBS: KALBIN SAVIMON IR KONTEKSTINIAI RYIAI. (Lithuanian).doi:10.38461est.2011.03The intercultural dialogue of the fourth decade of the 20th century reveals the most important impulses of the national identity. However, this phenomenon combines different experiences ...
The current status of the project is reported.[Copyright &y& Elsevier]MontaruliPhysics Department and I.N.F.N.T.Physics Department and I.N.F.N.Nuclear Physics B Proceedings SupplementSpurio M (2002) Status report (2006) of the ANTARES project. Nucl Phys B-Proc Suppl 110:513-515...
Scarselli A, Montaruli C, Marinaccio A (2007) The italian informa- tion system on occupational exposure to carcinogens (SIREP): structure, contents and future perspectives. Ann Occup Hyg 51:471-478Scarselli A, Montaruli C, Marinaccio A. The Italian Information System on Occupational Exposure ...
The expected performance, calibrations needed to achieve them and the physics potential will be illustrated. 漏 2006 American Institute of PhysicsMontaruliPhysicsTeresaPhysicsEBSCO_AspAip Conference Proceedings