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Etkisi. (Turkish). Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Politik İstikrarın Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi. (Turkish).Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Politik İstikrarın Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi. (Turkish).This study examines the effect of political stability on economic growth ...
Presents the view of United States Vice President Al Gore, presidential candidate for the 2000 elections, about crime and corrections in the country. Plan of Gore for local crime fighting; Stand of Gore toward a ban on assault weapons; Concern addressed by Gore regarding the state of ...
Para um servidor de arquivo, digitefile://e, em seguida, o restante do endereço. Endereços que começam com ftp://, mailto:// ou gopher:// (ou qualquer outra coisa que não seja http://, https:// e file://) são endereços inválidos para a raiz de um ...
Reasons why single-channel analyzer-based electronics were not suitable for the fluorescence microprobe at beamline X-26A; Components of the Ge detector; Average detector resolution.RiversMarkL.SuttonStephenR.RarbackHarveyReview of Scientific Instruments...
The article evaluates the Lightman® SpO2 micro spectrometer from Electrode Co. Ltd.EBSCO_AspInternational Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation
GerarMcDermott Center for Human Growth and DevelopmentRobert D.McDermott Center for Human Growth and DevelopmentCohenMcDermott Center for Human Growth and DevelopmentJonathan C.McDermott Center for Human Growth and DevelopmentHobbsMcDermott Center for Human Growth and DevelopmentHelen H....
The Prophet.Interviews former SEC chairman Arthur Levitt. Accounting failures and problems in financial markets; Erosion of ethical values in business; Process of globalization.EBSCO_bspInternational Economy