Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art SESC Fabrica de Pompeia Setre Chapel Shanghai Oriental Sports Center Sharp Centre for Design Shaw foundation symphony stage Sheats Goldstein Residence Sheikh Zayed Bridge Shiba Ryotaro Memorial Museum Shibuya Station extension Tokyo Shiga Kogen Roman Art Museum Shindo ...
To be able to do so, either one of the motif pro- tein must be replaced with other tag. Ubi scFv with LPETGG tag was purified using another system involving the biotin and streptavidin interaction. Hence, pRSET-B scFv LPETGG was used to clone the avi-tag sequence at the N-terminus ...
Perhaps, this fea- ture serves as a last-resort tagging mechanism to prevent fortuitous activation of β-catenin, should it fail to bind to its negative regula- tors. Indeed, H1-dependent proteasomal degradation of β-catenin could be particularly important when its negative regulators are rate ...
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