GODOY, K.B.; AVILA, C.J.; DUARTE, M.M.; ARCE, C.C.M. Parasitismo e sitios de diapausa de adultos do percevejo marrom, Euschistus heros na regiao da Grande Dourados, MS. Ciencia Rural, v.40, p.1199-1202, 2010.GODOY, K. B. et al. Parasitismo e sitios de diapausa de ...
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jornal de campo grande com notícias locais de mato grosso do sul (ms), dourados, corumbá, bonito, ponta porã e três lagoas. reportagens de política, polícia, empregos e famosos 00:01:44 #2 公司介紹 - - 行業 - - #3 公司介紹 ...
The aim of this study was to know and understand the representations and use of medicinal plants by elderly men assisted in the Family Health Strategies of Dourados, MS. Participated in this study, 18 elderly men aged over 60 years, using four or more medications. The research was conducted ...
The experiment was carried out at the Federal University of Grande Dourados, in Dourados-MS, from December 2009 to February 2011. A split plot design was used in a randomized block design with four replications, being evaluated in plots three species of tropical legumes (Stizolobium aterrimum...
This work was carried out in a Rhodic Hapludox in Dourados-MS. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four replications and treatments arranged in subsubdivided plots. Treatments were established in two management systems (conventional and no-tillage), two doses of gypsum (zero ...
acompanhe as últimas notícias de campo grande, três lagoas, dourados, aparecida do taboado e paranaí展示更多 行業: 不明 公司介紹-- 成立年份-- 僱員-- 年度營收-- 全球排名 #379,284137,207 國家/地區排名 #22,8285,523 同類排名 #873259 ...
12月 2024douradosagora.com.br的網站分析 notícias da grande dourados e do ms. informação com credibilidade na palma da sua mão. 行業: 不明 公司介紹-- 成立年份-- 僱員-- 年度營收-- 全球排名 #464,1839,169 國家/地區排名 #26,8051,995 ...