nt appropriés afin de minimiser les impacts sur l'environnement. SSGG99 ÊdliedtÊdliedtvenenrrottuu''tatassddiirry22ccnneieissééarr,i,sisececmgmnpe2npe2cocoet0eot0eiotpitspsse2pure2purestesst7otsd7oitidro3druo'd3eupdaeenprenelrofessileoflséssieuelaésnuepednsrispedrsrssriccetrsori...
In 2017, world leading companies including BASF, Enel and Volkswagen met in the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos to go over business ethics in minerals extraction to the manufacture of batteries. As a result, the firms gathered to found the Global Battery Alliance, with Eurasian Reso...
www.nature.com/scientificdata OPEN A multi-site, year-round turbulence Data Descriptor microstructure atlas for the deep perialpine Lake Garda Sebastiano Piccolroaz 1,2,4 ✉, Bieito Fernández-Castro 1,3, Marco Toffolon 4 & Henk A. Dijkstra2 A multi-...
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2.5.1. Alexa Fluor 647-Labeling of aDEC205: aDEC205AF647 2 mg of native aDEC205 (c ≈ 2 g/L, 1xPBS, pH 7.4) were transferred into an Eppendorf tube and 83.3 µg (21 µL) of Alexa Fluor 647 NHS ester were added via a stock solution in abs. DMSO (6.67 × 10−8 mol...
Figure 3. Hydraulic conductivities of mediums, decreasing via elevation. Water 2017, 9, 466 7 of 13 3.2. Probability Density Function of the Low Hydraulic Conductivity Field The fitted parameters for these applied PDFs and the results of probability tests are listed in Table 2. The K data ...