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Faletra F, et al. Role of real-time three dimensional transoesophageal echocardiography as guidance imaging modality during catheter based edge-to-edge mitral valve repair. Heart 2013;0:1-12.Faletra, F. F., G. Pedrazzini, E. Pasotti, I. Petrova, A. Drasutiene, M. C. Dequarti, S. ...
FRANCESCO F. FALETRADivision of CardiologyMARCO SCAGLIONEDivision of CardiologyGAETANO NUCIFORADivision of CardiologyTIZIANO MOCCETTIDivision of CardiologyANGELO AURICCHIODivision of CardiologyPacing and Clinical ElectrophysiologyRegoli F, Faletra FF, Scaglione M, Nucifora G, Moccetti T, Auricchio A. ...
The author states that enhancement of products is important to meet the customers' needs and requirements. Moreover, solution providers that are best at finding and adopting emerging products and vendors are considered the most profitable.FaletraRobertCRN...
Gasparini M,Mantica M,Galimberti P,et al.Is the outcome of cardiac resynchronization therapy related to the underlying etiology.Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 2003Gasparini M, Mantica M, Galimberti P, Genovese L, Pini D, Faletra F, Marchesina UL, Mangiavacchi M, Klersy C, Gronda E:...