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doi:10.52547/ieepj.5.2.41Goodarzi, AhmadRahimi, SiamakRezai, AfsheenIranian Evolutionary Educational Psychology Journal
Use of AI image generation software to create or augment images for entry into the Award is strictly prohibited. This includes the addition of AI-generated elements into an image shot originally on a camera, and the extension of an image beyond its original boundaries using AI generative fill ...
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Aizcorbe, Ana, Eli Liebman, David Cutler, and Allison Roseon "Household Consumption Expenditures for Medical Care: An Alternate Presentation", Survey of Current Business, June 2012.Aizcorbe A, Liebman E, Cutler DC, Rosen AB. Household Consumption Expenditures for Medical care: An Alternate ...
Bo-aiDepartmentZhangDepartmentGui-yuanDepartmentFangDepartmentEBSCO_AspJournal of NeurologyLiu YR,Ji YF,Wang YL,et al.Clinical analysis of late-onset methylmalonic acidaemia and homocystinuria,cbl C type with a neuropsychiatric presentation[J].J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2015,86(4):472-475....
Aim: Our aim is to highlight the unusual long interval between initial surgery and presentation of foreign body granuloma. Case Presentation: A 65-year-old man who presented 48 years after initial surgery with progressive painless fascia lata donor site soft tissue swelling. The management and ...
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