企业名 SITC JAPAN CO., LTD.企业简介 SITC于1992年开展中日航线业务。公司于1995年在日本设立SITC JAPAN CO., LTD.,成为SITC在日本的总代理。SITC是一家航运物流公司,经营着以中国为基地,覆盖日本、韩国及东南亚各地的定期集装箱海运线路,有约216万TEU(标准箱)的运输业绩(2015年不含空箱业绩)。海运船队由...
DISCLOSEABLE TRANSACTION EXERCISE OF OPTIONS FOR TH… POSITIVE PROFIT ALERT 【More】 Quick Links SITC Line Japan Co.,LTD SITC Line HongKong Co.,LTD SITC Line E-Business SITC Line Taiwan Co.,LTD SITC Line Indonesia Co.,LTD SITC Logistics E-Business...
• 15 ports in Japan, with 104 port callings per week; • 6 ports in Korea, with 26 port callings per week; • 30 ports in ASEAN countries, with 120 port callings per week; • 4 ports in Taiwan, with 16 port callings per week; ...
• 15 ports in Japan, with 104 port callings per week; • 6 ports in Korea, with 26 port callings per week; • 30 ports in ASEAN countries, with 120 port callings per week; • 4 ports in Taiwan, with 16 port callings per week; ...
1. We provide loose, bright and comfortable office environment. Exterior of SITC HongKongOffice location of SITC Line Japan more Welfare- Transfer subsidy more Welfare--Physical examination and commercial insurance more Welfare-- Relief fund
日前,在日本东京开展推介活动期间,SITC JAPAN株式会社、连云港港物流控股、上海新海丰集装箱连云港分公司三方正式签署战略合作协议。三方将进行资源整合,围绕“一带一路”战略规划,共同开发日本—连云港—霍尔果斯(阿拉山口)—中亚—欧洲海铁联运通道,拓宽国际物流渠道,更好地服务于“一带一路”建设。(证券时报·...
Ningbo, Yiwu, Shaoxing, Tianjin, Dalian, Shenyang, Yantai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Quanzhou, Taicang, Chongqing, Kunshan,Nanning,Beijing,Fuzhou,Weifang and Hong Kong in the PRC, Seoul and Busan in Korea, Tokyo, Kobe and Osaka in Japan, Haiphong ,Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi in Vietnam, Sing...
日前,在日本东京开展推介活动期间,SITC JAPAN株式会社、连云港港物流控股、上海新海丰集装箱连云港分公司三方正式签署战略合作协议。三方将进行资源整合,围绕“一带一路”战略规划,共同开发日本—连云港—霍尔果斯(阿拉山口)—中亚—欧洲海铁联运通道,拓宽国际物流渠道,更好地服务于“一带一路”建设。(证券时报)...
【SITC JAPAN、物流控股、上海新海丰集装箱运输连云港分公司签署战略合作协议】日前,在日本东京开展推介活动期间,SITC JAPAN株式会社、连云港港物流控股、上海新海丰集装箱连云港分公司三方正式签署战略合作协议。三方将进行资源整合,围绕“一带一路”战略规划,共同开发日本—连云港—霍尔果斯(阿拉山口)—中亚—欧洲海铁联运...
每经AI快讯,据连云港港口控股集团官微消息,日前,在日本东京开展推介活动期间,SITC JAPAN株式会社、...