Chair sit to stand tests (CST) are widely used in clinical settings to measure endurance, balance and lower extremity muscle strength. It also allows clinicians to predict falls and cognitive decline in older adults. The current CST measurements are done manually using a timer. The manual CST ...
procedure:Stand comfortably with feet approximately shoulder width apart, with your back against a smooth vertical wall. Slowly slide your back down the wall to assume a position with both your knees and hips at a 90° angle. Move the feet position if required. The timing starts when one foo...
scoring:The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter or half inch as the distance reached by the hand. Some test versions use the level of the feet as the zero mark, while others have the zero mark 9 inches before the feet. There is also themodified sit and reach testwhich adjusts ...
From fifth grade on, we rode the bus to school and away games, we pedaled our bikes down dusty country roads, and we would lay out in the sun together – as long as we could stand it before jumping into the pond. We spent long idle summer hours, planning our futures when we grew ...
Shorter smell identification tests have also been developed, either as standalone [versions of 12-item Brief Smell Identification Test (BSIT)] or preliminary tests [versions of 4-item Pocket Smell Test (PST)], to guide later administration of the UPSIT to relevant individuals (see Supplementary...
Actually,this might be an even better example, in which the former First Lady cites racism as the motive for a woman who cut in front of her in line at an ice cream shop when she “had told the Secret Service to stand back because we were trying to be normal, trying to go in . ...
PARKINSON'S diseaseWEARABLE technologyASYMPTOMATIC patientsPHOTOPLETHYSMOGRAPHYMonitoring disease progression in Parkinson's disease is challenging. Postural transfers by sit-to-stand motions are adapted to trace the motor performance of subjects. Wearable sensors such as inertial measurement units ...
Optimized scoring tool to quantify the functional performance during the sit-to-stand transition with a magneto-inertial measurement unitSit-to-standMagneto-inertial measurement unitFrailtyAgeBiomechanicsBackground. Sit-to-stand is used as a qualitative test to evaluate functional performance, especially ...
Five Times-Sit-to-Stand TestMultiple sclerosisreliabilityPurpose/aim:Although Five Times-Sit-To-Stand test (FTSST) performance is known to be a ...Secondary outcome measures were Biodex Stability System (BSS), 10-meter walk test, time up go test (TUG), EDSS scoring, Fatigue Severity Scale ...
Biomechanic modeling of sit-to-stand to upright posture for mobility assessment of persons with chronic stroke. To test the suitability of using ...This was also true for subjects scoring the maximum in both performance-based and strength tests. The MMIM is a relatively inexpensive and non...