Although the validity of the sit-to-stand (STS) test as a measure of lower limb strength has been questioned, it is widely used as such among older adults. The purposes of this study were: 1) to describe five-repetition STS test (FRSTST) performance (time) by adolescents and adults an...
When the intent is to quantify performance of lower extremity muscles, the sit-to-stand test is a practical alternative to manual muscle testing and various instrumented options. Several procedures for performing the test are presented in this review as is information relevant to test interpretation....
WS16.3 The 1-min sit-to-stand test in cystic fibrosis – insights into cardiorespiratory responsesPhysical exercise training may form an important part of regular care for people with cystic fibrosis. This is an update of previously published reviews. To determine the effects of physical exercise ...
Sit-to-stand (STS) movement is fundamental in daily life. STS tasks have been used to assess lower limb muscle strength, balance control, and functional ab
Background and aims: The five-timessit- to-stand test (FTSST) is a physical performance test commonly-used in clinical geriatric studies. The relationship between FTSST times and dynamic balance has not been widely investigated in older adults. The main objective of this study was to evaluate...
The one-minute sit-to-stand test (1-min STST) can be used for the assessment of functional capacity. AIMS: Our aim was to evaluate the 1-min STST performance and its association with patient-reported HRQoL in patients with PH. METHODS: We prospectively assessed functional capacity in 98 ...
test [1]. However,other fi eld tests [sit-to-stand test (STST), step test, shuttle test etc.]have been developed to offer complementary information or toovercome the barriers related to resources needed for the 6MWT,such as a long hallway, the need for a second repeat of the test ...
To understand how to achieve this, factors related to daily physical function such as five-time sit-to-stand (STS) time should be explored. This study aimed to investigate the associations between STS time, self-rated physical activity, physical function, health-related quality of life, physical...
The Sit-to-Stand test (STST) involves comparing the change in a person's non-weight-bearing and weight- bearing foot posture to quickly classify a person's overall foot mobility. Despite the simplicity of the test, its reliability and validity has not been established. The purpose of this ...
The sit-to-stand test is commonly used by clinicians and researchers to analyze the functional capacity of older adults. The test consists to stand up and sit down from a chair and can be applied either in function of a predetermined number of repetitions to be completed or according to a ...