Utilising musicians Patricia Morrison and Jim Steinman, Eldritch’s Sisters of Mercy released the full-length “Floodland” in November 1987. Led by the single “This Corrosion”, the album was very much the solo vehicle of Andrew Eldritch’s interests with Morrison and Steinman’s influence limit...
Sisters of Mercy, Leeds University, 10pm.’ It seems likely I went to the gig, as I also had a meeting with Susan Fassbender in Bradford earlier that day.” This gig was in the Riley Smith Hall in Leeds University. On the bill were two other Leeds bands: Pink Peg Slax ...
"We are mute but not without power, we are silent but not without resolve, we are untouchable but not without courage, we are sisters and have but one father. We are seekers and we shall find our prey, we are warriors and woe to those we oppose, the Empe
Mr. Walcott was always conscious of writing as a man apart, from a corner of the world whose literature was in its infancy. This peculiar position, he argued, had its advantages. “There can be virtues in deprivation,” he said in hisNobel lecture, describing the “luck” of being presen...
Cain means a "Hermaic Statue, a pillar, the symbol of generation." The symbolism of the bison/Taurus seems quite similar to "death/destruction/creation", attributed to Kali and her consort Shiva the destroyer God. This is equated to a seed growing into a plant. The seed is destroyed in...
“Holy Virgin, have mercy on her! What will be done to her?” “I have received strict orders: in two hours she dies.” “No! no!” exclaimed Maria impetuously, “that cannot be! You cannot be so wicked as to murder a child like her.” “She is old enough, madame,” said the...