On October 25, 2024, 35 Sisters of the Religieuses de Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Coeur travelled by bus from Moncton to Saint John, New Brunswick to join the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception to celebrate the NDSC’S 100th Anniversary. During the dinner, Sister Roma De Robertis, ...
BOOK REVIEWS487 of Bishop Sheen is deserving of a more serious scholarly study—a fascinating story remaining to be told. Kathleen L. Riley Ohio Dominican College Canadian CharityAlive: Sisters ofCharity ofSaint Vincent de Paul, Halifax, 1950-1980. By Sister Mary Olga McKenna. (Lanham, Maryland...
John 19:16-17 THE CRUCIFIXION It was around midday, and darkness came over the whole land until mid-afternoon with an eclipse of the sun. The curtain of the sanctuary was torn in two. Jesus uttered a loud cry and said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” After he said...
229Accesses Abstract The founding of Hospitaller houses for women from the 1170s onwards did not lead to a decline in the number or status offemale Hospitallers. Quite the contrary: After early attempts to congregate Hospitaller sisters in female-only houses, as happened in Aragon and England, ...
See also Charity Cannon Willard, “Christine de Pizan as Teacher,”Romance Languages Annual3 (1992) pp. 132–136 (available athttp://tell.fll.purdue.edu/RLA-Archive/1991/French-html/Willard,CharityCannon.htm), and Elisabeth Schreiner, “Christine de Pizan als Vermittlerin von Wissen und Wiss...
Bellandi, Deanna
I have read, and rather enjoyed, quite a large chunk of Sarah Hall’s oeuvre to date. When I saw a copy of her debut novel,Haweswater, in my favourite local charity shop for just 50 pence, I had to pick it up. I hadn’t read any reviews ofHaweswaterbefore I started to read, and...
5. Just Desserts.As you may have read in this blog, the Sisters work in the mortgage industry. Every year, the Women’s Council of Realtors has a charity auction. It’s brilliant because it only includes cake – homemade, bakery, restaurant – cake from everywhere! This year there were...
“Saint of the Gutters”.She founded an order of nuns(修女)called the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India devoted to serving the poor.Almost 50 years later, the Missionaries of Charity have grown from 12 sisters in India to over 3000 in 517 missions throughout one hundred countries ...