Japsen, Bruce
With no access to adequate healthcare, extreme tooth pain and the inability to speak English, a 3rd-grade student at Brennen Elementary School in Columbia desperately needed assistance. In October of 2018, Healthy Learners Midlands staff first met the young boy... ...
World Malaria Day gives people the chance to promote or learn about the efforts made to prevent and reduce Malaria around the world. It is observed on April 25 each year. Good healthcare is important to prevent and treat diseases such as Malaria. ©iStockphoto.com/Günay Mutlu What Do Pe...
Please note that this page is for reference, not discussion. We delete comments here after we incorporate the suggestions/corrections. Ep 6:01/6.02: The Doorway Don reads Dante’sThe Inferno Dinkins talks about hisM2 machine gun. The Francis family attends The Nutcracker. Juilliard Haight Ashbur...
Japsen, Bruce