Sister Wives is a TV series created for TLC that follows Kody Brown and his four wives as they raise their eighteen children and tackle the challenges associated with their massive family dynamic and the stigma that comes with their way of life. + See More Reality TV Drama + See Details...
Sister Wives is a TV series created for TLC that follows Kody Brown and his four wives as they raise their eighteen children and tackle the challenges associated with their massive family dynamic and the stigma that comes with their way of life. + See More Reality TV Drama + See Details...
Sister Wives star Janelle Brown has been making new memories with Gabe and Savannah. Garrison’s loss will always be very close to her heart. But she has been ensuring that the rest of her kids get equal time and attention. Gabriel Brown was the first to discover his dead brother’s ...
While speaking withUsexclusively, Kody admitted that balancing four wives wasn't always easy. "Meri and I have been in a very dark place for a very long time," he explained. "It's been more about trying to get ourselves out of this hole that we dug ourselves into. ... I f...
Sister Wives: plot summary, featured cast, reviews, articles, photos, videos, and where to watch.
Janelle moves (again) to be closer to her Sister Wives. Kody won't let go of his dream to live all under one roof but the wives can't agree to do it. Robyn wonders if they have failed as polygamists if they can't live together. Rate S14.E8 ∙ Doubting PolygamySat, Feb 22, 20...
Overall, fans thought Robyn Brown’s idea for the second Christmas was both gross and selfish. Did your jaw hit the floor during this scene in last night’s episode? Share your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for moreSister Wivesnews....
‘Sister Wives’ Show Cancellation Coming Soon? Undeniably, Sister Wives has had a good, long run. Through the years, fans have watched the drama unfold between Kody Brown and his four wives, Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn Brown. However, is Season 19 the final chapter that TLC will...
She revealed that when they talk she feels “this little hook” that draws her back to him, but noted, “I’ve been so happy that I don’t foresee a long-term thing for us.” Sister Wivesairs on TLC Sundays at 10 p.m. ET....
On 'Sister Wives,' Christine's daughter, Ysabel, cries telling her mom she's worried her now-husband, David Woolley, is replacing her dad, Kody. The 21-year-old shares her concern following Christine and David's fast engagement and decision to move in wi