mapfnaf将玩家置于一个充满未知和悬疑的游乐场地图中,玩家的目标是在五夜内生存下来,同时解开地图中隐藏的各种谜团。游戏中不仅有传统的监控安全系统,还加入了移动设备gps定位,使玩家能够在虚拟的游乐园中实时定位,增加了游戏的互动性和真实感。 游戏特色
Were you looking for Circus Control or Primary Control Module from the Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location? The Scooping Room is a location in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. The Scooper is held here. Before it is used, it emits a loud, be
Baby, Funtime Foxy, and Lolbit are the only three Sister Location characters who debuted in FNaF World. For Baby specifically, she was teased once the player had achieved the ending of the game's second,f foxy和lolbit是唯一三个sl玩偶在fnaf world中出现,baby最特殊,一旦玩家二次...