A bond that can never be broken, these beautiful sister quotes will speak straight to your heart about the woman in your life who you’ll always cherish. Allow these lovely quotes about sisters to inspire you to remind the sister in your life of just how special she is to you. Tell us...
20. Dear sister, I want to take this time to thank you for always being there to listen and advise me on so many things in my life. You are truly a great person who has the qualities of a true friend. Today is your birthday and I want you to know how important you are to me....
sister. You are everything I could ever ask for in a sister and more. I consider myself blessed and lucky to have you by my side throughout life’s journey. Happy birthday, sister.
but here was one of my favorite snippets: 9-year-old Christine in our church’sChristmas programwith a little parody onLet it Gowhen she just “couldn’t control her desire to decorate.” Also, in lieu of the cancelled senior musical, the school did “Seniors Got Talent”...
Remember me. Here and in Heaven I’ll see you. I’ll be beguiling my filing, still smiling to see you. When mountains, magenta and moulded turn red, like you said, You’ll find the feeling you folded not dead. You’ll steal the swirling sky, turning ...
Birthday Wishes For Sister May God bless you with joys and success, now and always! I wish you a birthday that if filled with smiles and all the good things in life. Happy Birthday, sister! Read more Valentine Quotes for Sister May your Valentine’s day be filled with love, sweetness,...
Taking great care to make sure it was far enough apart from Molly’s May 1 birthday so we could mitigate any sibling rivalry. Nothing could have ever prepared us for the moments, hours, days that would come. Due to the fact that the holidays were in full swing, we had a hard time ...
I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in Him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. John 15:5 Dear Sweet Sister: Have you ever been in a vineyard? During a visit to Napa Valley to celebrate my husband’s Jubilee birthday, I had ...