Sister Carrier嘉莉妹妹 ●Whatisyourdesire:fame,beauty,wealth,lustorwhatever?●Didyoureyessparklewhenhearingsomething?●Didthatsparkleleadyoutodevastation?嘉莉妹妹 一个漂亮的打工妹 —WentinaWu ★BriefIntroduction ★Mythreeopinions★Conclusions “向前,向前,人性这么说。美趋向何处它就紧紧跟上。不管是在某片...
Carrier dumps HurstwoodHurstwood’s changes 2. No bread, no love3. No support(Decreasing finacial situation, humiliating social performance, gloomy husband who claimed their marriage illegal and endless quarrels about money.?)ReasonsHurstwood偷了酒吧里的钱。但是逃到Canada,他退回了9000多,只留下小部分...
Wentina Wu嘉嘉莉莉妹妹妹妹一一个个漂漂亮亮的的打打工工妹妹 Brief IntroductionMy three opinionsConclusions“向前,向前,人性这么说。美趋向何处它就紧紧跟上。不管是在某片寂静的原野上单独一只绵羊的铃声;或者是森林地带闪光的美景;或者是过路人眼睛里 2、真情的一瞥;而且作出回答紧紧跟上。要等到在追逐中脚步乏...
试谈“服饰”在小说《嘉莉妹妹》中的阶级标示作用更多例句>> 2) Sister Carrier 嘉莉妹妹 1. On Limitation of Pursuing Formal Equality Lopsidedly from Two Chinese Versions of Sister Carrier; 从《嘉莉妹妹》两个中译本看片面追求形式对等的局限性 2. Theodore Dreiser is one of the outstanding American...
应该是 Sister Carrie.小说描写了农村姑娘嘉莉来到大城市芝加哥寻找幸福,为摆脱贫困,出卖自己的贞操,后又凭美貌与歌喉成为歌星的故事。作家娴熟地运用自然主义的创作手法,使作品具有极强的社会表现力。小说的故事真正情节是这样的:嘉莉是个俊俏的农村姑娘,她羡慕大都市的物质生活来到了芝加哥谋生。严酷的...
Abstract Sister Carrier is the first work of Theodre Dreiser .It tells us how a country maiden becomes a fomous star in Broadway. In the novel Theodre Dreiser describes the living condition and emotion changes of carrier very vividely .the novel takes true realism as its distinctive feature ,...
1.On Limitation of Pursuing Formal Equality Lopsidedly from Two Chinese Versions of Sister Carrier;从《嘉莉妹妹》两个中译本看片面追求形式对等的局限性 2.Theodore Dreiser is one of the outstanding American naturalistic writers, who, in 1900, published his first successful novel, Sister Carrier.西奥...
SisterCarrierundertheDriveofDesire 内容摘要 《嘉莉妹妹》是美国著名的自然主义小说家西奥多·德莱塞的第一部长篇小说,讲 述的农村少女嘉莉如何从社会的底层一跃而成为百老汇明星的经历,生动地展示了嘉莉 的欲望不断增大永无止境的图画。 嘉莉·米贝先后经历了寻找工作的艰辛、疾病的困扰和失业的痛苦。为了生存,她 ...
Sister Carrier (1900), which traces the material rise of Carrie Meeber and the tragic decline of G.W. Hurstwood, was the first novel of Theodore Dreiser. Carrier is a poor girl from rural area with envied youth and beauty. The story begins with Carrie's trip to Chicago. She comes across...
Lost in Materialism--Sister Carrier Abstract Sister Carrier is the first work of Theodre Dreiser .It tells us how a country maiden becomes a fomous star in Broadway. In the novel Theodre Dreiser describes the living condition and emotion changes of carrier very vividely .the novel takes true...