La Reforma del Sistema de Salud Mexicano (Supplement: The Reform of the Mexican Health System)health reformsocial health protectionseguro popularThis serie analyse the health reform and their main program, Social Health Protection (Seguro Popular) whick was desing and implement in Mexico during the ...
y Horton R. La reforma del sistema de salud mexicano, Salud Publica de Mexico.2007; 49 (1):1-4Knaul, Felicia Marie, Frenk, Julio, and Horton, Richard (2007), 'La reforma del sistema de salud mexicano', Salud Publica de Mexico, 49 (sumplemento 1), S1-S4....
Experiencia del Sistema Nacional de Salud Mexicano en el desarrollo de guías de práctica clínicaClinical practice guidesNational System of HealthMaster catalogueClinical practice guidelines are tools that have been able to streamline decisions made in health issues and to decrease the gap between ...
Experience of the Sistema Nacional de Salud Mexicano in the development of clinical practice guidelinesClinical practice guidelines are tools that have been able to streamline decisions made in health issues and to decrease the gap between clinical action and scientific evidence....
Tensiones y resistencias: la partería comunitaria tseltal y el sistema de salud mexicanodoi:10.17502/mrcs.v10i1.541MEXICOMEDICAL modelETHNOLOGY researchMIDWIVESETHNOLOGYMIDWIFERYMEDICAL careThis article reflects on the gap between the traditional health care paradigm and the global ...