Thayib, Rudyanto, Ir, M.Sc,"Perhitungan Indeks Keandalan Sistem Tenaga Listrik Interkoneksi Sumatera Bagian Selatan," Prosiding Seminar Nasional AVoER ke-3, 2011.Thayib, R, 2011. Perhitungan Indeks Keandalan Sistem Tenaga Listrik Interkoneksi Sumatra Bagian Selatan, Prosiding Seminar Nasional ...
PROTOTIPE RECEIVER SISTEM MONITORING TRAFO DISTRIBUSI TENAGA LISTRIK MELALUI LINK PLC (POWER LINE COMMUNICATION) TEGANGAN RENDAH BERBASIS CENELEC-C AB Mochammad 被引量: 0发表: 2012年 Pengembangan Prototipe Sistem Kontrol dan Monitoring Infus Untuk Pasien Berbasis Jaringan Nirkabel (ZigBee) yang ...
At this hybrid system, electrical supply from PLTS is designed to be around 30% from overall load of electrical equipment in household, the rest load around 70% is fulfilled by PLN.Hybrid process of PLTS with the electrical grid is controlled by a switch controller which its working principal...
The results of research carried out using Software PVsyst 7.3 It was found that the PLTS system was installed on the roof of YARSI Pontianak General Hospital with a slope angle of 4O namely 115 kWp with the type of solar panel used being the Jinko Solar Tiger Neo N-type 7...
ANALISIS PERENCANAAN PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA SURYA (PLTS) DENGAN SISTEM ON GRID DI GEDUNG KANTOR PELABUHAN PT. PUPUK KALIMANTAN TIMURdoi:10.46799/syntax-idea.v6i1.2931To support the energy transition and maintain the Green Port title, it is necessary to design a So...
Perencanaan Sistem Jaringan Mikro (Microgrid) Dengan Supply dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) dan Generator Set di Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas UdayanaA consortium of seven universities of Indonesia supported by MCA Indonesia to capture green knowledge practices of the country. The ...
METODE PEMBUATAN GAS CAMPURAN HIDROGEN/KARBON MONOKSIDA, SISTEMNYA, DAN INSTALASI KO-PRODUKSI TENAGA BAHAN BAKAR/LISTRIKPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a method capable of producing a mixed gas of hydrogen with carbon monoxide by the reaction of coal with a coal seam gas under a high ...
Analisa Perencanaan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Atap dengan Sistem Hybrid di PT. Koloni TimurPLTSHybridPT East ColonyThis study discusses the Planning of a Rooftop Solar Power Plant with a Hybrid System at PT East Colony Kudus. Themodel is set as a PLTS whose solar panels are adjusted to...