Political party funding in Indonesia and Singapore is complex and often creates confusion and conflict between parties and society. Singapore, with a similar constitutional system, regulates party funding very differently from Indonesia. This has given rise to interest in comparing...
Dukungan Indonesia terhadap Palestina dan mengkritik Israel mewarnai segala bentuk politik Indonesia di forum Internasional dalam proses perdamaian dari kedua negara. Politik luar negeri Indonesia mendapat banyak tekanan dari kondisi dal... N Rahmawati 被引量: 1发表: 2014年 ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN MENGGU...
Kedelai dan Politik Pangan p> English Soybean is one of strategic food crops contributing in the domestic economy, namely enhancing farmers' income and promoting industry such as tofu, tempeh, and soy sauce, among others. Indonesia is a net importer of soybean to ... IA Nuhung - 《Forum ...
Sistem Komunikasi Indonesia: Suatu Proses Sosial, Budaya, dan Politik Indonesian Communication System: A Social, Cultural, and Political ProcessRafinita Aditia
Since the 1999 elections electoral democracy Indonesia is marked by drastic changes in the party system implementation, from simple multi-party system in the New Order era to the extreme multiparty system. Judging from the election as the most massive space is provided to facilitate the political ...
Abstrak Era reformasi yang berkembang dalam kehidupan politik, hukum, dan ekonomi di Indonesia saat ini dipengaruhi oleh suasana tatanan kehidupan masyarakat yang berkembang dalam lingkup global, yang pada intinya menuntut diwujudkannya ... Baharuddin 被引量: 0发表: 2017年 TINGKAT KESADARAN HUKUM...
PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING KOMPETENSI DASAR SISTEM POLITIK INDONESIA DI KELAS XB MAN 3 MARBAHAN KABUPATEN BARITO KUALAThe learning process of Civics in MAN 3 Marabahan does not likely achieve the expected result ... saniah saniah,sarbaini sarbaini,harpani matnuh - 《Jur...
MEKANISME IMPEACHMENT DI NEGARA DENGAN SISTEM PRESIDENSIAL: STUDI PERBANDINGAN MEKANISME IMPEACHMENT DI INDONESIA DAN KOREA SELATAN 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 17 作者: RM Wastia 摘要: In the development of the government sistem, there are semi-presidential systems which are different from ...
KUALITAS SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK BERBASIS WEB (SIMAWEB) DI FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO SEMARANG Academic Information System is very important in supporting the activities of lectures in an educational institution, not least in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences...
PENGLIBATAN MAHASISWA DALAM PROTES POLITIK DI IPTA PRK 2016 (Undergraduate students involvement in political protest in the 2016 Bi-election at public higher educational institutions) ___ In recent years, there have been perceived changes in the political participation amongst young people in constitut...