Sisley Paris is a French luxury cosmetics brand specialized in high-performance, plant-based skincare, anti-aging care, makeup, fragrance and hair care products.
(1)正品的瓶身正面logo有光泽感,字母扁胖。假货的瓶身logo是银灰色,字母比较瘦长。 (2)正品瓶身反面字体印刷清晰,精致。假货的字体印刷粗糙,字体有的还会连在一起。 3、Sisley希思黎真假鉴别——压嘴 (1)正品压嘴透明且两侧和后面有竖线,假的颜色发白且浑浊只有前后有竖线。 (2)正品压嘴拨开后,是类似奔驰的...
六图网提供精美好看的设计元素素材模板下载,本次设计元素作品主题是Sisley_-_Paris logo设计欣赏 Sisley_-_Paris洗护品LOGO下载标志设计欣赏,编号是3405676,格式是ai,该Sisley_-_Paris logo设计欣赏 Sisley_-_Paris洗护品LOGO下载标志设计欣赏素材大小是0.08 MB。Sisley
膏体上刻印着Sisley logo,搭配金色管身,时尚高雅感不言而喻。 isley将植物美容学的保养专业注入唇膏中,添加山茶花油、荷荷巴油,搭配维他命E衍生物等天然成分做为保湿成分,给予唇部滋养,打造出丝滑柔嫩的双唇。 城市经典红唇系列20经典色号 第二个亮点则是以世界各大城市为灵感的设计,20色唇彩横跨4大色调而制...
PARIS — Sisley is venturing into the sensitive skin — and dermocosmetics — arena. Its new product, called Sensitive Skin Soothing Care, launches this month and will serve as the basis of a Dermatological Responses sub-range within the brand’s skin care line. It was created to soothe skin...
PARIS — Sisley is venturing into the sensitive skin — and dermocosmetics — arena. Its new product, called Sensitive Skin Soothing Care, launches this month and will serve as the basis of a Dermatological Responses sub-range within the brand’s skin care line. It was created to soothe ...
法国希思黎#全能乳液首次升级#,新版VS旧版,4步教你鉴别区分!①外包装升级:传承经典瓶身设计,升级版瓶身新增“advanced formula”英文小字、“Paris”标志挪至logo居中位置、且容量标识移动至瓶身后方、外盒品名更新为“希思黎全能乳液(升级版)”由此揭开权威内养底液的进阶新生之旅;...
Another prestige brand is in the Lumson lineup of collaborations: Sisley Paris. Lumson designed packaging for one of the brand's best-selling products—All Day All Year. The skin care formula is said to act like a protective shield for the skin. For this product, Lumson created a ...
Availability International Launch Date– July 2014 online | October 2014 until January 2015 at Sisley counters and fragrance stores The new Sisley Eau du Soir holiday 2014 edition will be released in a limited edition of 8000 units as 100 ml Eau de Parfum for the price of ...
摘要: Another prestige brand is in the Lumson lineup of collaborations: Sisley Paris. Lumson designed packaging for one of the brand's best-selling products—All Day All Year. The skin care formula is said to act like a protective shield for the skin. For this product, Lumson created a ...