All Day All Year Sisleÿa L'Intégral Anti-Âge Radiance Anti-Dark Spot Serum Powerful radiance anti-dark spot anti-ageing serum Sisleyouth Anti-Pollution Energising super hydrating youth protector Hydra-Global Anti-ageing hydration Sisleÿum for Men Normal Skin...
When designing All Day All Year, Sisley’s Laboratories studied the internal and environmental factors to which we are exposed over our lives. These factors are grouped together under the scientific term exposome, which encompasses pollution and cigarette smoke in particular. They are responsible for...
All Day All Year is the perfect day care product, supporting the skin by acting as a global protective shield, to keep the skin looking younger. When designing All Day All Year, Sisley’s Laboratories studied the internal and environmental factors to which we are exposed over our lives. ...
During the daytime, our skin uses its energy to protect itself. All Day All Year is the perfect daycare product, supporting the skin by acting as a global protective shield, to keep the skin looking younger. When designing All Day All Year, Sisley’s Lab
All Day All Year虽然没有防晒系数,但它有SPF15的防晒指数,所以在家不出门的时候,只涂它就够了。它的质地比全能乳液更厚实,但千万别把它当作防晒霜涂在乳液外面哦。这款产品主打提供皮肤的第一道屏障,对抗自由基,虽然使用感受没有特别惊艳(毕竟就是个乳霜),但仅凭它在家不用加防晒、早晚都可以用这两点,就...
Sisley All Day All Year成分表来自备案信息 低风险10种 中风险3种 高风险1种 含有防腐剂:1种 ( 羟苯丁酯 ) 含有致痘风险:2种 ( 鲸蜡硬脂醇、 聚二甲基硅氧烷 ) 含有孕妇慎用:1种 ( 甲氧基肉桂酸乙基己酯 ) 含有风险:1种 ( 羟苯丁酯 ) ...
Sisley ALL DAY ALL YEAR 法国希思黎日间防护精华乳 全新上市 û收藏 576 629 ñ975 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 时尚美妆视频自媒体 4 毕业于 对外经济贸易大学 查看更多 a 1173关注 45.7万粉丝 4973微博 微关系 他的...
作为一个Sisley的忠实粉丝,我对于他们家的老版All Day All Year防晒霜有些失望。对于我这种混油皮来说,它的质地显得有些厚重,尤其是在炎热和阳光强烈的天气下,脸上会有油腻和附着感。😓让我感到困惑的是,尽管柜姐强调这是防晒产品,但它并没有标注任何SPF指数。在澳洲,我也没有找到希思黎的专门SPF防晒产品。这...
sisley希思黎坚持“不计时间,不计成本”的研发理念,确保每款产品都高效、安全、愉悦。ALL DAY ALL YEAR日间呵护精华乳延续了品牌的高品质,是现代女性抗衰老的必备神器。面对岁月的侵蚀,皮肤常会面临皱纹、干燥和色斑等问题。ALL DAY ALL YEAR日间呵护精华乳通过独特配方,结合多种天然植物精油和活性...
对于混合肤质、皮肤偏薄且敏感的我来说,防晒更是重中之重。Sisley的all day all year防晒隔离,我已经使用了一年,效果令人满意。虽然价格稍高,但耐用性极佳,一瓶可以用到8个月。🌞🌈 这款防晒隔离不仅能有效防晒,还能在夏天作为面霜使用,提供滋润效果。使用方法简单,出门前涂抹一次,轻轻拍匀脸部和眼部,即可...