鼠TGFBR3单克隆抗体 鼠ID2单克隆抗体 鼠CHGA单克隆抗体 鼠PCNA单克隆抗体 鼠SLC27A5单克隆抗体 鼠CBX8单克隆抗体 鼠GNL3单克隆抗体 鼠FOXC2单克隆抗体 鼠TRAFD1单克隆抗体 鼠C17ORF53单克隆抗体 鼠PDE1B单克隆抗体 鼠FCER1A单克隆抗体 鼠GUCY1A3单克隆抗体 ...
According to the ranking of -Log (P-value), we reported the factors in the top 20 signaling pathways with unclear activation or inhibition status, including IGFBP4, TGFBR1, CTGF, COL4A5, LHX2, IL1RL1, and KLF6. According to the ranking of -Log (P-value), there were s...
骨细胞,破骨细胞和软骨细胞在类风湿性关节炎中的作用等 生物信息学技术分析发现,根据 -log(P-value) 与差异基 245 条信号通路的激活或抑制状态不明确,这些信号通路中 因数量综合排序,ATDC5 软骨细胞中 SIRT1 基因敲减后,细 包含了 IGFBP4,TGFBR1,CTGF,COL4A5,LHX2,IL1RL1 等因子. 胞中固有免疫应答这一...
Tgfb Mm01178820 Mmp2 Mm00439498 Nppa (ANP) Mm01255747 Nppb (BNP) Mm01255770 Ppargc1 (PGC-1α) Mm01208835 Adipoq (adiponectin) Mm00456425_ Serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances Malondialdehyde (MDA) level is commonly known as a marker of oxidative stress. MDA can be quantified through a...
Let-7g binding sites were predicted at the 3′-UTRs of the thrombospondin 1 (THBS1), transforming growth factor beta receptor 1 (TGFBR1), and SMAD family member 2 (SMAD2) genes (Fig. 1A). Plasmids carrying either the wild-type or mutant sequence of 3′-UTR of each gene were construct...
interleukin (IL)-1尾, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-伪, interferon-gamma (IFN)-纬, inflammatory factors including interleukin (IL)-10, and transforming growth factor beta (TGFb)-1, as well as nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-魏B) ... X Huang,M Pan,P Du,... - 《Annals of Translational Me...
转化生长因子β受体Ⅰ(TGFbR1)重组蛋白 甲状旁腺素受体2(PTHR2)重组蛋白 心肌肌钙蛋白I(cTnI)重组蛋白 角蛋白5(CK5)重组蛋白 角蛋白4(CK4)重组蛋白 角蛋白2(CK2)重组蛋白 角蛋白1(CK1)重组蛋白 角蛋白16(CK16)重组蛋白 角蛋白15(CK15)重组蛋白 角蛋白14(CK14)重组蛋白 角蛋白9(CK9)重组...