其中感染性休克20 例,严重创伤3 例,急性脑血管病、中毒7 例,均符合SIRS诊断标准,其中男18 例,女12 例;年龄18~ 92 岁,平均年龄5119 ±1913 岁;所有病人均在诊断SIRS后24 h内按APACHE Ⅱ(acute physiological and chronic health eval ua2 tion Ⅱ) 评分系统 [ 2] 进行评分,APACHE Ⅱ评分7~48 分,平均...
Supported by Grant 2012111003 from the Basque Government Department of Health. Spain. References: 1. Chen JX, et al. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015; 58:130-140. 2. Ranjbar F, et al. Neuropsychiatr. Dis. 2015; 2:549-555. 3. Zhang XR et al. Pharmacogenomics 2011; 12:1127-1136. 4. Ca...
In consequence, immigrant population was registered more on the public mental health services than native population (X2 = 46.3, df = 1, Po.001). About the severity of dependence analysis (n = 154). The results of the SDS showed 51.2% of the sample (n = 79) obtained points higher ...
Gastroenterology Department, Hospital 940 of PLA Joint Logistics Support Force, Lanzhou 730050, China关键词: 急性胰腺炎; 全身炎性反应综合征; 六西格玛DMAIC模型; 中医综合疗法; 应用研究Keywords: severe acute pancreatitis; systemic inflammatory response syndrome; the six sigma DMAIC model; TCM comprehensive...
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Critical Care Medicine, CRISMA (Clinical Research, Investigation and Systems, Modeling of Acute Illness), Laboratory, Pittsburgh, USAWiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaAReade MC, Angus DC. Epidemiology of sepsis and Non‑infectious SIRS. In: Cavaillon ...
Design:This was a single-center, retrospective analysis of electronichealth records. Patients:Patients with suspected infection who presented tothe emergency department and were admitted to the hospitalbetween January 2010 and December 2014. 本文应用单中心、电子健康记录的回顾性研究。收入2010年1月-2014年...
Funded by: This work was supported by the General project of Fujian Natural Science Foundation (2021J01018); Fujian Health Science and technology program (2021GGB038); Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Cellular Stress Biology, Xiamen University (SKLCSB2019KF015); Science and Technology...
Supported by Grant PI2011111088 from the Basque Government Department of Health. Spain. 3 © 2016 Schizophrenia International Research Society/Nature Publishing Group npj Schizophrenia (2016) 16009 Abstracts 4 S9. Are antipsychotic drugs associated with increased or by final OL dose (50/75 mg eq....
room temperature, an improved chemiluminescence detection kit (cat. no., E1060; Beijing Lablead Biotech Co., Ltd.) was employed to visualize the protein bands. The band intensities were decided with ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health), which represented the expression of every protein...