If I were Tim Cook, I would invest big bucks in a "audio OS" skunkworks. The standard people "expect" is the computer on Star Trek and it's going to take a lot of additional effort to get there. Ironically Apple is now in the position they usually put their competitors in:...
It's common to have the "wrong" Siri answer. You can ask yourApple Watchto set an alarm, for instance, and find that it's your HomePod that does it. Here's how to make sure that Siri is listening to you on the device you intended. Every time you say the words, "Hey, Siri," ...
if you have kids, who I’ve heard are always asking what things sound like. It’s also useful for when someone in your household says that foxes sound like people screaming, and you just have to know if they’re right. (Here’s a YouTube linkso you can see as well as hear it.)...
Where a remote is concerned, function is everything and they're pretty much a solved problem - the apps are the problem, YouTube being the most egregious example. I was generally okay with the old remote once I'd put a case* on it, which made it more practical, but the touchpad ...
put this idea together. He/she is just making it up and finally the viewer is looking at it from one aspect he/she has chosen – the object on the wall called a painting. You are watching it, an external object on the wall, admiring it. You admire your garden. You admire how ...
Protect your kids from this type of hacking of the mind. “Get up stand up stand up for your rights.” [youtube]https://youtu.be/JuMlHdxiIZ8[/youtube] Perps know that you cannot monitor them 24/7 and you will eventually get bored listening to them if you had one of these set up...
I also have a 64gb iPT 4, which I can now put siri on. Superb. Click to expand... So Apple is required to accommodate your particular "family upgrade tradition", a circumstance which automatically posits a "legal grey area" when Apple aren't required (and don'...
“Game of Thrones” to YouTube and putting “no copyright intended” in the description. I get it, people use images they find on the web all the time, but it still kind of bothers me that Apple is encouraging you to rip an image off a web page and use it in your Keynote ...
Siri:You know that everything I have is yours. 35. What’s the best computer? Siri:If it’s made by Apple, then it’s the best computer. 36. What’s the best cell phone? Siri:Wait… there are other phones? Siri:I think, therefore I am. But let’s not put Descartes before the...
I mean they put out that feature just for the new phones? Why? I mean it is downright insulting in a way. FFS Apple... do you honestly think that there is someone out there on the fence of buying an iphone 11 or not and the pivotal reason to go ...