Not only can she find a gazillion different songs but she will also settle an argument. My wife and I are not keeping score, however, we give the nod to Alexa for being right most of the time. Get our free mobile app You may have Alexa's sister of another mother. Siri may share ...
Siri should open the app and pass the placeholder. This worked for me only when i used an AppEnum (with specific defined set) with AppEntity. I want the placeholder to be dynamic and not defined via the AppEnum. Have observed this feature working fine with Youtube, Spotify & Whatsapp ...
You can now fill in the field with Phonetic Spelling and then put Miss Siri to the test until you get it spot on. My last name is Basile — so after trying several Phonetic variations I settled on (Bus-illy) which is far better than Siri has ever pronounced it when left on her own...
I can’t find my way in Sirilic. Even after watching some Youtube videos I found Siril easier to work with. Yeah, I just don't see the point unless you want to do some really complicated work with scripts. Siril is just so easy to use on its own. #10 AhBok Soyuz Posts:3,899 ...
Q10. "Is Michael Aspel still alive?" (a question from last night after watching some old 'This is your life' episodes on Youtube) Cortana: Brings up web results about Michael Jackson(!) under Windows 10 Mobile but does much better under 8.1, including that the presenter is still alive ...
Allu SirishandSamuthirakaniin pivotal roles. Over the last few weeks, reports emerged that Sirish has opted out of the project and that Arya was brought in as his replacement. On Friday, Sirish took toTwitterto confirm his exit from the project. He wrote: “This is to let you all......
Where a remote is concerned, function is everything and they're pretty much a solved problem - the apps are the problem, YouTube being the most egregious example. I was generally okay with the old remote once I'd put a case* on it, which made it more practical, but the touchpad ...
I think in addition to just adding podcasts to the portfolio, I -- as we mentioned, we're building out more multichannel opportunities for advertisers to come in, access, obviously, the audio listening, the video listening. We have improved targeting and indicators on YouTube to support that...
if you have kids, who I’ve heard are always asking what things sound like. It’s also useful for when someone in your household says that foxes sound like people screaming, and you just have to know if they’re right. (Here’s a YouTube linkso you can see as well as hear it.)...
You'll never appreciate just how good Siri's voice is today unless you hit this problem where your iPhone sheds it in favor of the original 2011-era robotic sound. Once you've appreciated it, though, here's how to put it right again.