You can now fill in the field with Phonetic Spelling and then put Miss Siri to the test until you get it spot on. My last name is Basile — so after trying several Phonetic variations I settled on (Bus-illy) which is far better than Siri has ever pronounced it when left on her own...
Watch This Kid Lose His Mind Over An iPod Touch Shoot Photos Using Your iPhone's Volume Button Wishing You Happy Holiday's from iPhone Savior I'm Using Apple's iBox For All My Gift Giving iPhone Holiday Cards For The Last-Minute Lagger List of Banned Text Words By Pakistan Telecommunication...
kids should do the kids stuff and not be so too addict with the tech, they almost addict with the smartphone (i mean borrow from the parent just to play the games), now with the wearables for kid seem to much for my kids. Just my personal opinion....
Lol: Kid Notices His Shadow For The First Time & He Got Scared Out His Mind! 237,964 Mar 16, 2021 Lol: Homie Switched To Call Of Duty Mode Real Quick After Attempting To Walk Over Ice! 296,700 Feb 17, 2021 Lol: You Will Never Pronounce Onion The Same Way After Seeing This!
Use it if you're comfortable with it. I wouldn't be. The "earpiece" guys look silly as heck already talking into the air. When I was a kid the cat lady next door did that. Some things are just better kept to yourself IMO.