28 Ad Council公益项目 She Can STEM 01:33 瑞典独立乐队Spotify新专辑营销 旧歌新用 01:05 比利时旅游局创意活动 城市热点 01:58 瑞典Elgiganten电商创意活动 VAR折扣 01:31 韩国WWF创意活动 爱鱼手环 02:01 苏格兰阅读障碍协会公益项目 阅读障碍字体设计 - 品牌营销案例 - 网络广告人社区.mp4 02:10 英国...
when i ask siri to play any song on youtube. she says siri does not support youtube View in context Similar questions YouTube and Siri Can you use Siri to search you tube? I am trying to set up Siri on an iPad for a blind friend. He likes to listen to music using YouTube. ...
If you aren’t too inclined to pay forYouTube Premiumfor background playback, you can use a new Siri Shortcut to play YouTube videos in background on iPhone and iPad running iOS 13. Here’s how. To get started, we’ll use RoutineHub user@sethusenthil’sshortcut that lets you watch ...
Hey guys...would you enjoy helping to get One Little Man's music known to more people? We think they deserve it!! If you'd like to help, this is what you can do: Subscribe to their YouTube channel, like their songs, comment the songs, and share on your network pages. That'd be...
因為有訂閱YouTube Premium 的關係,一直以來我都是直接用YouTube music 來聽音樂,沒有再額外訂閱Apple Music、KKBOX、Spotify…等其他的音樂串流服務。但是當我要用HomePod、HomePod mini播音樂時都會遇到個小困擾,就是沒辦法用Hey Siri 的方式讓智慧音箱直接聲控播放,而是還要多個步驟,先在iPhone 或Mac 上選好音樂,...
Apple's Maps application is also expected to receive an upgrade which will allow users to add notes to specific locations. With these new place notes, users can add the key information about a place that could only be relevant to them. ...
My daughter deactivated Siri to prevent my grandson from accessing YouTube (but he figured out how to get to anyway). Now I cannot connect my phone to CarPlay and I cannot find Siri on Settings or in Settings/General to enable it.
if you have kids, who I’ve heard are always asking what things sound like. It’s also useful for when someone in your household says that foxes sound like people screaming, and you just have to know if they’re right. (Here’s a YouTube linkso you can see as well as hear it.)...
Siri can also playback your iTunes music. You can ask her to play a specific song, an artist's catalogue, or a particular album. Siri can also play you a specific genre, like rock, or a Playlist. If you wish to play any of these categories in shuffle mode, simply add "Shuffle" ...