Siren Head, who is sometimes called Lamp Head (occasionally written as Sirenhead or Siren-Head and Lamphead or Lamp-Head) and by many other names, is one of the main antagonists of the Trevor Henderson mythos. It is a hostile cryptid and urban legend cre
Siren Head Resurrectionis a freeaction-adventure video game wherein you must survive whatever dangers come out of the woods. Developed by show-more, this3D single-player indie gameis asurvival horrorfan game for the original creature design that became a popular internet monster, Siren Head. Sim...
Chugging red wine and holding her head under water for fun. But it's Winona Ryder who really shines through as the troubled 15 year old who is completely focused on 2 things: 1. becoming a nun, and 2. losing her virginity to the cute bus driver who drives her to school. The awkward...
The work shown below was inspired by a poem by Goethe, which tells the story of a mermaid who rises from the waters to complain to a fisherman that he is enticing her children (the fish) to death in his nets. The mermaid’s beauty lures the fisherman into the water and to oblivion. ...
Hello Players! This is an update we've been working on and discussing since the launch of the game nearly two months ago. We have read all your comments and criticisms, and we couldn't agree more on some of the things mentioned by you. We want to share s
It is recommended to play with headphones for a better experience. This game isn't in any way shape or form affiliated to the original Siren Head, any similarities are merly a coincidence. this is a standalone game.Scary Siren Head Game Chapter 2 - Horror Adventure for Android By Ali Aw...
It has one of the most original ways of telling the story I've ever seen. Throughout the story, you play about 10 characters. You play with levels, which I thought at first sucked. I like one big area the most with this sort of games. But, they did this to be able to tell the...
Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a Swedish North Sea siren.
The story can unfold in different ways with, in many cases, two or more different versions of a level, which will have slightly different objectives than the original. If the player is thorough and plays through these optional versions, the story and characters may develop even further than ...
So who better to become head of marketing at an airline business than the Iron Maiden frontman known as The Air-Raid Siren? Mr Dickinson, 51, has landed the job at the Gatwick-based Astraeus Airlines, which leases planes and crews to carriers including British Airways, BMI and easyJet… ...